BlueBox for Bikes Terms & Conditions

Last updated on Jan 16, 2024


This Terms of Use governs your use of bike lockers operated by Bluebits (each of which is called a “Locker”; collectively they are called the “Station,” and the term “Station” also refers to any subset of the collection, including individual Lockers); your use of the mobile application made available by Bluebits (the “App”).


Use of BlueBox for Bikes

  • Unauthorized Items
    Mopeds, motorcycles and other larger vehicles are not allowed inside and will be removed. Our rule is “one vehicle one space”. This means that vehicles inside the stations must be parked in a way that does not obstruct other users to park in an available space or retrieve their vehicle from a rack. If you aren’t sure whether your vehicle would be allowed, please ask us at before bringing it inside.

    Storing other items besides for micro mobility devices and their accessories are prohibited and will be removed at the owner’s expense. Approved accessories include delivery bags, helmets and spare locks. 

  • 24 Hour Limit On Stays 
    There is a 24 hour parking limit. bicycles and micromobility devices that remain for longer than 48 hours may be collected by the City of Burnaby – Facilities Management  and brought to a storage facility.
  • Bluebits’ Responsibility for Items Removed from Storage Facilities
    Bluebits is not responsible for bikes, scooters, micromobility devices, and other items that have been removed from the stations due to policy violations. While Bluebits will make a good faith effort to securely store and protect removed items from damage, and assist owners in retrieving their property, we are not liable for any damage or loss once items are transferred to the lost and found or thereafter.
    Vehicles removed from stations will be taken to a designated storage facility. Owners have 14 days to claim their vehicle before it is considered abandoned. Abandoned vehicles may be discarded, donated, or auctioned.
  • Station Closures
    Bluebits may close its stations for any amount of time for repairs, weather and other incidents at its sole discretion. By using Bluebits bike locker stations, you acknowledge the right of Bluebits to prevent you access to the station, even in cases when your vehicle or belongings are stored inside. Bluebits aims to proactively notify you of station closures and allow users to retrieve their bicycles and belongings in a timely manner.
  • Code of Conduct
    Disrespectful behavior including but not limited to loitering, sleeping, unruly, and/or illegal behavior is not tolerated. Individuals engaged in unauthorized activities may be asked to leave the premises and can also result in a temporary or permanent. Decisions on account suspensions are made at the company’s sole discretion. 

Payments through the App

The app may offer You the opportunity to provide payment information (“Payment Information”) in order to complete payment for a purchase or a subscription or to load funds to your account (”Transaction”). You agree that Company may execute payment for Transactions that You order by using Payment Information that You have provided, unless you have directed Company, through the app, to discontinue use of particular Payment Information. You grant authorization to Company and/or the applicable third party payment-processor to charge an account for which you have provided Payment Information, unless you have directed Company to discontinue use of a particular account. You shall be responsible for payment of all taxes, tariffs, levies, or duties applicable to Your payment. All amounts loaded to Your account will be denominated in the currency of Canada, and all transactions listed through the Solution are denominated in Canadian dollars. You are responsible for the accuracy of all credit and debit card information that You provide to us.

Limitation on the Use of BlueBox

You agree:

  • to only use and download your Account and BlueBox yourself and for your own personal use and you will not use or access Accounts of other Users;
  • to carefully choose a safe password for your account, to ensure it is not reasonably ascertainable by others;
  • to maintain the security and secrecy of your Account login data at all times and to prevent others from accessing your Account using devices belonging to you. You will be fully responsible for all resulting damage if third parties gain access to your Account with your login data or gain access to a device you use to operate your Account, if you did not respect these obligations;
  • not to disrupt the correct functioning of BlueBox;
  • not to attempt to harm BlueBox (including the BlueBox Website, BlueBox App and the Box) in any way;
  • not to copy or distribute the BlueBox App or other BlueBox Content without the prior written permission of BlueBox;
  • not to use BlueBox with incompatible or unapproved devices;
  • to comply with the applicable laws of your home country and of the country, state and the location where you use BlueBox and your location during your usage of BlueBox;
  • not to use BlueBox with the intention to harm, cause discomfort or cause inconvenience of any kind to a third party or in any way that can reasonably lead to such consequences;
  • not to use BlueBox to send spam or other duplicated and/or unsolicited messages or Parcels to third parties in violation of applicable laws;
  • not to use BlueBox to send or store any incriminating, obscene, threatening, defamatory, or otherwise improper or illegal material, including material harmful to children and material that violates the rights of privacy of third parties;
  • not to send or store material using the BlueBox App or Website that contains application viruses, worms, computer Trojans, source codes, files, scripts, tools or malicious programs;
  • not to attempt to gain unauthorised access to BlueBox or to systems or networks connected with BlueBox;
  • not to interfere or disturb the functioning and the integrity of BlueBox or the data it contains.

Intellectual Property

The Service and its original content, features and functionality are and will remain the exclusive property of the Company and its licensors.

Trademarks: Names, titles, trademarks, service marks, and logos (collectively, the “Trademarks”) displayed on the app are our registered and/or unregistered common law trademarks or those of third parties. Nothing contained in the app should be construed as granting, by implication or otherwise, any license or right to use any Trademark displayed on the app without our express written permission or that of the appropriate third party that owns the Trademark. Except as permitted by these Terms and Conditions, any unauthorized use of the Trademarks is prohibited.


We may terminate or suspend Your Account immediately, without prior notice or liability, for any reason whatsoever, including without limitation if You breach these Terms and Conditions.

Upon termination, Your right to use the Service will cease immediately. If You wish to terminate Your Account, You may simply discontinue using the Service.


Storage of a vehicle and any other belongings inside a bike locker is done at your own risk. By using a bike locker operated by Bluebits, you indemnify Bluebits from any loss due to damage or theft.

Using any Bluebits bike locker is done at your own risk. By using a Bluebits bike locker you agree that Bluebits is not responsible for accidental injuries that may occur. This specifically applies to usage to the ramp and electric doors that are featured at some stations. 

Force Majeure

Neither Bluebits nor you shall be responsible for damages or for delays or failures in performance resulting from acts or occurrences beyond their reasonable control, including, without limitation: fire, lightning, explosion, power surge or failure, water, acts of God, war, revolution, civil commotion or acts of civil or military authorities or public enemies: any law, order, regulation, ordinance, or requirement of any government or legal body or any representative of any such government or legal body; or labor unrest, including without limitation, strikes, slowdowns, picketing, or boycotts; inability to secure raw materials, transportation facilities, fuel or energy shortages, or acts or omissions of other common carriers.

Governing Laws

Your use of the Application may also be subject to other local, provincial, national, or international laws.

Contact Information

We reserve the right, at Our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time. If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, You can contact us:

Bluebits Technologies
4710 Kingsway #1620, Burnaby, BC V5H4M2